What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual direction was started in the 4th century by theologian John Cassian as a means of one-to-one spiritual guidance, and has been expanded over the years to the present day, where a trained spiritual director provides companionship for a person seeking to explore and deepen his/her relationship with God. Most spiritual direction sessions occur every four to six weeks and last approximately one hour.
When might spiritual direction be helpful?
Spiritual direction can help you develop a more intimate relationship with God by becoming more attuned to how and where God works in your life and how you respond to God’s unique call for you.
How is spiritual direction different than psychotherapy?
Both spiritual direction and psychotherapy must happen in an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality. In spiritual direction, the goal is not to fix or solve the participant’s problem. Instead, its purpose is to develop the seeker’s personal relationship with God by making them aware of where God is acting in their life. In conjunction with the Holy Spirit, the spiritual director serves as a conduit between the seeker and God. As Gerald May, renowned psychiatrist and spiritual director, wrote, "the function of the spiritual director is ‘to attend to God’s power, love and grace in the directee’s situation.’”
“The whole purpose of spiritual direction is to penetrate beneath the surface of a human's life, to get behind the façade of conventional gestures and attitudes which he/she presents to the world, and to bring out his/her inner spiritual freedom, his/her inmost truth, which is what we call the likeness of Christ in his/her soul.”
To make an appointment with one of the spiritual directors, please contact them directly using their email address as given below.
The suggested fee for a one-hour appointment is on a sliding scale of $40 -$80. Payment is made directly to the spiritual director by cash or check at the time of the meeting.
To speak with someone about spiritual direction please contact Bob Pearson, who coordinates Spiritual Direction at bob@stfrancis.today.
-Thomas Merton
Spiritual directors are not employees of St. Francis Springs Prayer Center; they conduct their appointments independently. Each has been trained and certified by professionally recognized institutions as noted in their individual bios, below.
Spiritual Directors
Bob Pearson, OFS
Bob has been a staff member at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center for more than 12 years
Marge Birge
Marge is a seeker grounded in contemplative spirituality who finds joy in bringing people together to listen.
Kim Garrison
Kim is formed through the Fairfield University Spiritual Direction Formation Program
Ellen Simon
She provides opportunities for others to observe, explore, and respond to the Divine’s movement in their lives.
Jennifer Kloss
Jen Kloss is a creative communicator, Spiritual Director, retreat leader, and soul care provider.
Paul Jerdonek
Paul’s devotion to seeking God in all things guides his accompanying others in their searching for greater awareness
Carrie Delaney
Carrie is a spiritual director and owner of "Wings to Fly" in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Lane Sapp
Lane Sapp is a spiritual director in formation with the World on Fire Ignatian Spiritual Direction program in Charlotte, NC.
Laura Gurnee
Laura is currently enrolled in “World on Fire” program for those who sense a call to the ministry of spiritual direction. The program is grounded in Ignatian Spirituality and follows the theme of the four “weeks” of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. She is a member of Spiritual Directors International (“SDI”) and attends programs offered by SDI, as she continues to be formed in this ministry. Prior to beginning her formation as a spiritual director, she served as a volunteer chaplain at a local hospital. She is a professed member of the Fraternity of St. Clare, a Secular Franciscan fraternity since 2010.
Contact Laura at: lmgurnee@gmail.com