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Franciscan Saints Retreat

Franciscan Saints Retreat

Faces of Metanoia: Lessons from Visionary Lives Francis of Assisi, Clare of Assisi, Oscar Romero and Dorothy Day

This immersive retreat, hosted by Gillian T.W. Ahlgren, will devote a day to explore the lives of Francis of Assisi, Clare of Assisi, Oscar Romero, and Dorthy Day, reflecting on the invitation of God in their lives. In the mornings, we’ll review the context and choices of their lives, and see how God invited them into collaboration. Then, in the afternoons, we’ll explore the spiritual practices that strengthened the lives of these saints. All of this is to encourage us to meet God in our own lives with courage and wisdom. Retreat facilitator Gillian T.W. Ahlgren is Professor Emerita of Theology and Church History at Xavier University. As an educator and writer, she works to open up the Christian mystical tradition as a practical resource for living. Gillian integrates her academic and pastoral work in creative ways, developing resources for the spiritual empowerment of women in recovery from trauma, domestic violence, and substance abuse.

Retreat Leader

Dr. Gillian Ahlgren



May 8

Bearing God by Marlena Graves w/ Dr. Natasha Sistrunk Robinson

June 16

Youth Contemplative and Justice Retreat